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£225 One Off payment
- OnlineVFR prepares student pilots for time spent with their instructor and provides a useful refresher for qualified pilots.
- More than 9 hours of focused videos, over 155 modules, all in one easily accessible place.
- All modules are designed specifically for UK pilots.
- The modules use graphics, real time video and CAA charts as well as scripted audio.
- Learning to fly is a huge commitment of both time and money. We want to help you get the most out of both.
One hour free trial
The price for membership is Free.
You can access all our content for free for an hour. After the trial ends we hope you will sign up for full membership with OnlineVFR
OnlineVFR Membership
The price for membership is £225.00.
Sign up for OnlineVFR access over 155 videos in a range of categories to help you fly.