
Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I join OnlineVFR?

OnlineVFR offers a comprehensive PPL resource. By providing over 9 hours of ad free, focused, video content, it is perfect for students and qualified pilots to learn and build confidence. All the videos have been approved by senior flight instructors.

How much does it cost?

A one-off payment of £225 allows you access to all 155 modules and we will be adding more modules in the future.

How many times can I watch each video?

Each module can be viewed an unlimited number of times.

How can I get 10% off?

OnlineVFR partners with many flying schools and instructors. By entering their partner code when you subscribe, OnlineVFR will reduce the cost by 10%.

Can I see a full list of all the modules?

How can I get help?

The easiest way to get help is to send us an email through the contact us page.

Where can I find the OnlineVFR Terms & Conditions?

There is a link at the bottom of each page or just click here for T&Cs

What do I do if I have forgotten my password?

Click on the forgotten password link on the login page to reset your password.

Can I share my password with others?

No. We have a licence for much of the website content and part of those terms & conditions are that we can only grant single user licences.

Want a Multi-user licence?

If you are interested in a multi-user licence, please go to our contact us page and send a message.

How to join OnlineVFR as a partner

We welcome anyone who wishes to be part of OnlineVFR please get in touch via our contact us page for further information

Contact OnlineVFR

We would love to hear from you if you would like to make a comment or have a question or suggestion on how to improve your OnlineVFR experience.

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Instruments and Controls Light Aircraft Video tutorial
22 videos
A detailed look at the instruments and controls and their functions
Piloting Light Aircraft Video tutorial
31 videos
Each module looks at a different aspect of being at the controls of an aircraft
Air Law - Light Aircraft Video tutorial
16 videos
Each module explains different aspects of Air law, both on the ground and in the air.
Navigation Light Aircraft Video tutorial
32 videos
Three sub categories cover all aspects of navigation using UK charts
Radio Light Aircraft Video tutorial
21 videos
These modules explain and demonstrate radio services and procedures with scenarios
Meteorology Light Aircraft Video tutorial
13 videos
A look at the different sources of meteorological information and how to understand them
Emergency Procedures
12 videos
Various emergency procedure scenarios, using video and graphics.
General Aviation
3 videos
Good practice in general aviation
4 videos
Examples of signals that can be received or seen by a pilot
2 videos
These modules detail the documents required for both the pilot and the aircraft.