About OnlineVFR
Many people had said that modern technology had not become part of learning to fly, so the challenge was to make videos easy to understand using professional graphics and video equipment; also to make the subject specific to the UK. James and Amanda have spent the last two years putting together 155 videos.
Each video is very focused on the subject rather than on the presenter.
The pricing is designed to make this affordable. For the price of an hour’s aircraft hire a subscriber will have access to over 9 hours of information helping them get the most out of the time and money needed to learn to fly; or to refresh forgotten skills as a qualified pilot.
The Team
James Nicholas
I obtained my PPL at Biggin Hill in 1991 and, in 2001, picked up a Cessna 172 Skyhawk from the Cessna factory in Independence, Kansas and obtained my instrument rating shortly afterwards.
Combining more than 30 years of award-winning work in television broadcasting around the world, and my love of flying, we created OnlineVFR.
The best way to absorb information is by using both sound and vision. Many videos feature the pilot/presenter speaking while flying, which, in my opinion, detracts from demonstrating the aspects of flight. I have used video to demonstrate the subject, which along with concise scripted audio to keeps the modules interesting, focused and informative.
The CAA approved the mounting of numerous synchronised cameras on the aircraft, both internal and external, as I wanted to create a real-time experience when demonstrating the various aspects of flying. We also obtained a licence to use the sectional charts as part of the modules.
Our objective with OnlineVFR is to not to make sure you pass exams, but to make you a more confident pilot.
Amanda Stott
Hello, I am a co-founder of OnlineVFR and I’m not a pilot, so I have spent the last couple of years working with James from our home in Cheshire, by giving a novice’s input into the content of the website and modules, if I didn’t understand it then we re-did it, needless to say I have learnt a lot!
My background is in finance and being part of a creative advertising agency, so I really hope that you find our tutorials useful but also pleasing on the eye. We want you to get the most out of the tutorials, but please contact me if you have any queries or suggestions.
As luck would have it, the graphic designer is also a keen flyer and helped us create the illustrations used throughout the site.
Bringing his wealth of experience as a former CAA & flight instructor, Chris Caine took on the role of approving our tutorials.
Sadly, Chris died in 2023 after a short illness, before seeing the finished result. He often said he was delighted to be involved in this innovative project. We will always be grateful to him.